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10 benefits of working out with a partner or group

Exercising with a partner can be a great way to stay motivated and accountable. Working out with a partner has many benefits beyond the help of having someone assist you with technique and spotting for specific exercises. The Köhler effect suggests working in groups can increase motivation when working on challenging tasks that require little coordination of our efforts.

A study published in Nature Communications found that exercise is “socially contagious” – the more people you know who exercise, the more likely you are to exercise. Working out can be more fun when you have someone to help motivate and challenge you.

Teaming up with an experienced partner can be a great way to learn new exercises and gain the confidence you need. A workout partner can also help you make sure that you are doing your exercise routine correctly and safely, and their encouragement and accountability can give you the push needed for success. Working out with a partner makes it more likely that you’ll stick with your routine for good, and can help you achieve better results than working out alone.

The Power of Social Support

According to a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine involving nearly 50,000 participants, lack of physical activity was associated with severe cases of COVID-19. This highlights the importance of maintaining a social support network and surrounding yourself with active friends to stay motivated and healthy.

Exercise is Socially Contagious

A study published in Nature Communications, which analyzed five years of data from more than a million runners, found that exercise is “socially contagious” – the more runners you know, the more likely you are to go out for a run. Simply surrounding yourself with active friends can motivate you to stay active and engaged in your fitness journey.

Surrounding Yourself with Active Friends

The power of a social support network cannot be overstated when it comes to maintaining an active lifestyle. Research has shown that surrounding yourself with active friends can significantly increase the likelihood of you also engaging in regular exercise. This “social contagion” effect can be a powerful driver of long-term fitness success.

Enhanced Motivation and Commitment

Research has found that more than 50 percent of people who start exercising as a New Year’s resolution end up quitting by summer. But are you really going to skip out on your yoga class if a friend is saving a mat for you at the studio? Exercise partners provide great motivation booster to adhere to workout goals, and research has shown that working out with a friend (even virtually) pushes people to keep at it longer than they would on their own. A study published in the British Journal of Health Psychology found that the emotional support of someone you trust can serve as powerful reinforcement for fitness goals.

Accountability Partners

Exercise accountability partners can be a game-changer when it comes to maintaining your fitness routine. Having someone to hold you accountable and provide encouragement can make a significant difference in your ability to stick to your workout plan, especially when the going gets tough.

Overcoming Exercise Boredom

One of the biggest challenges in maintaining a consistent exercise regimen is overcoming exercise boredom. Workout buddies can help mix things up and keep your fitness journey fresh and engaging. Whether it’s trying new classes or taking your workouts outside, having a partner to explore new activities with can prevent burnout and sustain your motivation over the long haul.

Reduced Stress and Improved Mood

Exercising with a group or partner can provide significant benefits when it comes to reducing stress and improving mood. In a small study published in the Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, group exercise participants reported a 26.2% reduction in perceived stress levels, which was more than study participants who exercised on their own.

The reduced stressstress> and improved moodmood> associated with group exercise can be attributed to the release of feel-good endorphins, as well as the social support and camaraderie that comes from working out with others. According to the Mayo Clinic, exercise (whether done alone or with a partner) can be an effective way to alleviate symptoms of stress and boost overall emotional well-being.

By incorporating a partner or group into your fitness routine, you can not only improve your physical health but also experience the mental and emotional benefits that come with reduced stress and elevated mood. This synergistic approach can make your workout journey more enjoyable and sustainable in the long run.

Increased Intensity and Better Results

Exercising with a partner can inspire you to amp up the intensity of your workouts. Starting exercise is easy, but the difficult part is continuing to exercise. One of the predictors of success in terms of persistent exercise is the support of other people. Putting a friend into the mix can increase the amount of exercise you do, as the emotional support of someone you trust can serve as powerful reinforcement for fitness goals.

Friendly Competition

Engaging in friendly competition with your workout partner can lead to better results. The desire to outperform or match your partner’s progress can push you to work harder and challenge yourself in new ways, ultimately resulting in greater fitness gains.

Pushing Each Other Beyond Comfort Zones

When you exercise with a partner, you have the advantage of someone who can push you beyond your comfort zones. Your partner can encourage you to try new exercises, increase the intensity of your workouts, or even try a more challenging variation of a familiar exercise. This collaborative approach can unlock new levels of fitness and help you achieve results that you may not have been able to reach on your own.

Learning and Confidence Building

Many people believe they don’t have enough learning or know-how to successfully reach their fitness goals, and research shows that a lack of confidence is one of the biggest reasons people avoid going to the gym. Working with someone else who has more experience can be a great way to learn new exercises and gain the confidence you need.

Gaining Knowledge from Experienced Partners

An experienced partner can share their knowledge and teach you new techniques, helping you expand your learning and feel more capable in the gym. They can provide guidance on proper form, suggest creative workout routines, and offer insights to help you overcome gym intimidation and feel more confident in your abilities.

Overcoming Gym Intimidation

Walking into a gym for the first time can be an intimidating experience, especially if you feel like you don’t know what you’re doing. Having an experienced partner by your side can help you overcome gym intimidation and feel more comfortable in the fitness environment. They can introduce you to the equipment, show you how to use it properly, and provide a supportive presence to help you build the confidence you need to succeed.

The Fun Factor

Working out can be more fun when you have someone to help motivate and challenge you. To take it to the next level, you could even utilize a competition app with features like leaderboards that you can use to challenge your friend. Having a partner can also help you try new things and keep your workouts varied, which can prevent boredom.

Varied Workout Routines

Maintaining varied workout routines is key to keeping your fitness journey engaging and fun. With a partner or group, you can explore different exercise modalities, from strength training to HIIT to yoga, ensuring your workouts never become stale or monotonous.

Collective Energy and Motivation

The collective energy and motivation of working out with a group can make the experience more enjoyable and engaging. Feeding off the positive vibes and shared determination of your fitness crew can help push you beyond your comfort zones and unlock new levels of performance.


Working out with a friend isn’t only great for building camaraderie, but it’s also good for your wallet. By splitting the cost of gym memberships, trainers, or training gear with a friend, you can save your hard-earned cash and stay focused on fitness. This can help make fitness more accessible and affordable.

Splitting Membership Fees

Joining a gym or fitness studio can be a significant investment, but the cost-effectiveness of splitting the membership fees with a partner or group can make it much more manageable. This allows you to share the financial burden while still enjoying the benefits of a full gym access and various workout options.

Furthermore, some gyms and studios offer discounts for group memberships, making the splitting of membership fees an even more attractive option. By teaming up with a friend or a small group, you can unlock these cost-saving opportunities and make fitness a more sustainable part of your lifestyle.

Benefits of Working Out With a Partner or Group

Working out with a partner or group can provide numerous benefits beyond just the physical aspect of exercise. The sense of community and empowerment that comes from feeling like you’re part of a group pursuing the same goal is vital to long-term adherence to an exercise program. Shared experiences and social support can help alleviate symptoms of depression and make the fitness journey more enjoyable.

Shared Experiences and Social Support

The camaraderie and shared experiences of working out with others can create a strong support network. This social support can be particularly beneficial for mental health, helping to reduce stress and improve mood. Studies have shown that group exercise participants experience a greater reduction in perceived stress levels compared to those who exercise alone.

Collective Motivation and Accountability

The collective motivation and accountability of working out with a partner or group can be a powerful driver of success. Knowing that others are counting on you and sharing in the journey can provide an extra boost of motivation, helping you push through challenging workouts and stay committed to your fitness goals. This sense of accountability can be a game-changer in maintaining a consistent exercise routine.


Working out with a partner or group offers a wealth of benefits beyond just physical fitness gains. From enhanced motivation and commitment to reduced stress and improved mood, the social aspects of group exercise can be transformative. By surrounding yourself with active friends, challenging each other, and tapping into the fun factor, you can unlock your full potential and make lasting progress on your fitness journey.

Whether you’re looking to save money, build confidence, or simply enjoy the workout experience more, integrating a partner or group into your routine is a smart strategy for success. With the power of social support, increased intensity, and the opportunity for learning and friendly competition, working out with others can be a game-changer in achieving your fitness goals.

So, why not grab a friend or join a group class today and experience the transformative effects of collaborative exercise? By harnessing the synergy of a supportive fitness community, you can elevate your workouts and embark on a journey towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lifestyle.


What are the benefits of working out with a partner or group?

Working out with a partner or group can provide numerous benefits such as enhanced motivation, accountability, social support, varied workout routines, increased intensity, and a more enjoyable and fun experience.

How is exercise “socially contagious”?

Research has shown that the more people you know who exercise, the more likely you are to exercise as well. The social aspect of working out with others can be a powerful motivator.

How can surrounding myself with active friends help me stay motivated?

Simply being around people who exercise regularly can inspire you to stay active. The support and camaraderie of an exercise group or partner can make it harder to skip a workout.

How do accountability partners help with exercise adherence?

Accountability partners provide the motivation and encouragement needed to stick to your fitness routine. Knowing you have someone counting on you can make it less likely that you’ll skip a workout.

How can working out with a partner help reduce stress and improve mood?

Exercise itself is a proven stress-reducer and mood-booster. When you add the social element of working out with a partner or group, the benefits are amplified, leading to greater reductions in perceived stress and improved overall well-being.

How can friendly competition and pushing each other help me achieve better results?

The dynamic of pushing each other beyond your comfort zones and a friendly sense of competition can lead to increased workout intensity and better physical results. Having a partner to challenge you can help you achieve more than you might on your own.

How can working out with an experienced partner help me gain knowledge and confidence?

An experienced workout partner can teach you new exercises, provide guidance on proper technique, and help you overcome gym intimidation. This can lead to increased confidence in your abilities and a more enjoyable fitness journey.

How can the “fun factor” of working out with others enhance my fitness experience?

Exercising with a partner or group can make the experience more enjoyable and engaging. Trying new activities, sharing experiences, and feeding off the collective energy and motivation of the group can prevent boredom and keep you coming back.

How can working out with a partner or group be more cost-effective?

By splitting the cost of gym memberships, trainers, or equipment with a friend, you can make fitness more accessible and affordable. This can help reduce financial barriers to staying active.

What are the overall benefits of working out with a partner or group?

Working out with a partner or group can provide a wealth of benefits beyond just physical fitness gains, including enhanced motivation, reduced stress, improved mood, shared experiences, and a stronger sense of community and accountability. These social aspects can be transformative in helping you achieve your fitness goals and make the journey more enjoyable.